Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your Child is a Genius

You may wonder if your child, who may still be trying to recognize letters, is ready to create these mini books with entire words and sentences.  The answer is a resounding YES! When you and I read we aren't reading phonetically (sounding out each word) we have actually memorized patterns in words which is why we read so quickly.  By doing these mini books, and learning these "words of the day/ words of the week" you are increasing their reading vocabulary even as your practicing letter sounds. 
And don't be discouraged if your child isn't reading the words, etc. right away.  You are introducing concepts.  It takes an average of being introduced to something ten times before a child begins to grasp a concept.  So enjoy teaching your child, enjoy watching the little light bulbs go off.  Enjoy their enthusiasm, match their enthusiasm. We learn more when we are enjoying what we are doing.  If your child is cranky, irritated, or otherwise not engaged, stop.  Do something different.  Because while we are teaching math and reading we are teaching attitudes of learning.  If we make learning miserable now school will always be associated with bad feelings and your child will put up walls that will inhibit their learning.  Life is challenging enough, make each preschool day an enjoyable, happy time.  That is my rant.  Thanks for putting up with it til the end.

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