Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bats - Day 2

  • Jell-o (gelatin)
  • Plate
  1. Have your child write the letters for "Bat" in the Jell-O one at a time, making (saying) the sound for as long as they are writing the letter

Make a book (See Video from Spiders Day 2)
Write on Title Page: Black Bat
Write on first double page (pages 1-2): Black Bat
Write on second double page (pages 3-4) Black Bat bit.
Write on third double Page (Pages 5-6) Black bat bit bugs.

  • Black Bat book
  • Crayons
  1. Read "Black Bat" to your child.
  2. Say, "There are no illustrations on the pages.  Can you draw the pictures for this book?"
  4. Read each page and have them draw a picture to go with the words.
  5. Have your child read you the book.
  6. Have your child read the book to dad, mom, the family pet, aunt, etc.

Draw or print 10 green bugs and 10 black bugs, cut them out into individual bugs
Hide the bugs around the room

  • Bugs
  • Crayons
  • Paper, divided into four sections
  • Glue
  1. Tell your child he is a little brown bat and is going out at night to get some food.
  2. He needs to catch 5 bugs and bring them back to you to "eat".
  3. Have child find five bugs and bring them to you. (My son put a blanket around his shoulders so he would have "wings.")
  4. Identify the bugs your child has brought to you ("You have one green bug and four black bugs.  Good.  You found five bugs.")
  5. Have child glue bugs to the paper. Write the equation.
  6. Repeat three more times.
  • You can use any number you want for the bug catch. I find five or less works well. It's not an overwhelming number.  The point is to help your child have a GREAT number sense when they start kindergarten.  This gives numbers meaning rather than counting they see the number comprised of a group of things.
  • You can have your child write the equations.
On the top of a piece of paper write "BATS EAT"

  • Paper
  • Crayons
  • Post it notes
  1. Read a bat book to your child (Gail Gibbons Bats is a great book for this).
  2. Every time the book talks about food mark it with a post it note.
  3. After reading the book write the things a bat eats on the paper. 
  4. Have your child illustrate it.
Your child can write the words instead of you.

Print or copy a black line picture of a bat

  • Black paper
  • Black line picture of bat
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Star Glitter or glitter
  1. Have your child color the bat.
  2. Have your cut out the bat.
  3. Have your child glue the bat to the black paper.
  4. Have your child glue some star glitter on the black paper.

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