Thursday, January 5, 2012

Frogs - Day 2

Reading Core Standard - Craft & Structure 6, Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10, Preparation
Book: Frogs by Gail Saunders-Smith (or, if you can't find this at your local library, another good easy reader Frog book)
1. Before reading ask, "How does a frog become a frog?"
2. Your child might remember from yesterday's book, Frogs By Gail Gibbons, a few details.  Tell child that you are going to find out how a frog becomes a frog in the book for today.
3. Show child book.  Point out title, see if child can read it.  Point out picture of frog.  Point out the author's name at the bottom.  Open the book and begin reading.
4. As you read document on the paper each part of life cycle of frog with a word and a very simple illustration.
5. Review chart with child.  See if they can tell you the life cycle.

Phonics Core Standard - Phonological Awareness 2.d.
Write "Og" on paper
write on small pieces of paper each consonant of the alphabet.  Also "st," "sl," "sp," "tr," "pr," "pl,"
On a piece of paper write "Word" on one side, "Jail" on the other
Papers with "og," etc.
Word/Jail Paper
1. Place a consonant or the "st," etc in front of "og."
2. Sound out word with your child, or have them sound it out independently.
3. If it creates a word, put it in the "word" section of the paper.
4.If it doesn't create a word put it in "jail."
5. After going through each letter, reread your real words.
Writing Core Standard - Text Types and Purposes 2.
Make a mini book.  On Title Page write "Life Cycle of Frog"
**Don't write anything in the book until lesson, this is just to let you know how book will be laid out**
The book is made up of three double pages.
On page one write: Eggs
Page two (facing page 1) write:tadpole
Page 3 write:Back legs
Page 4:Front legs
Page 5: Tail shrinks
Page 6: Frog
OR You can have child write the words, or write the first letter of each word. Depends on child's level, or attention span.
Mini Book
Chart from Reading
1. Show child chart again.  Explain you will be making a book about Life cycles to show to the family.
2. Ask child what a frog looks like at first.  Talk about the eggs, what they look like, feel like (Gail Gibbons said they were like "jelly." Maybe touch some jelly to get an idea?" Say, "It looks like frogs start out as eggs.  Let's write "Eggs" on the first page. (This is when you write the word, you have child guess first letter and write first letter, or let child write the entire word.)
3. Ask, "What happens when the frogs hatch?  Do they look like frogs?" Child will (hopefully) say "Tadpoles." Say, "Then we write "tadpoles." Write "tadpole" then have child illustrate.
4. Repeat for remaining pages, having a guided discussion with your child to get back legs, front legs, tail shrinks, and frog.

Math Core standard - Geometry - Analyze, Compare, and Compose Shapes
Draw a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon on a piece of paper
tape two craft sticks together to form a long stick, make two sets of this
chenille stick ("pipe cleaners" back in the day)
craft sticks ("Popsicle sticks" back in the day)
1. Give your child a chenille stick and ask her to make a circle with it.  You can help by using your own chenille stick and talking through the process (smoothing it, explaining it can't have any angles, etc.)
2. Give child three Popsicle sticks and tell her to make a triangle.  Emphasize that a triangle has three sides that touch and make angles. Tri=three, three sides, three angles
3. Give child four sticks.  Have child put the Popsicle sticks on top of each other.  Point out that all the sticks are the same length.  Have child create a square.  Point out the four equal sides, and the four angles.
4. Give child the two long Popsicle sticks and two regular sticks. Have them create a rectangle.  Talk about opposite sides being the same length, four sides, four angles.
5. Give child 6 craft sticks.  Have them create a hexagon.  Talk about the six sides and six angles.
A.  If your child has a hard time forming shapes, give as much necessary help as needed.  You can do this activity again and again until your child has mastered ability to create shapes on their own.
B.  Notice I am using mathematical terms like angles, etc.  lease use correct terminology when explaining Math. These words will not confuse your child if you explain them.  When correct terminology is used it becomes a part of your child's vocabulary very easily.
C.  You can watch the video of how I taught this on youtube.

Watch a Frog Video - these can be found at your local library (I love that place)

Cut out 2 small and one large heart from green paper
google eyes
markers, crayons, etc
1.Draw a green line down middle of large green heart to form a lily pad.

2. Glue small green heart on top of other small green heart, as seen in photo.

 3. On the top of first green hear glue google eyes at top of heart (see photo)

4. Using a marker draw frog details like mouth, spots, toes, etc.

Key Ideas and Details 2

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