Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Core Education Standards

Confession: I am a former teacher.  I was taught in college that everything a teacher does in the classroom should tie into an educational standard to help children meet benchmarks for their grade.  Problem: There are no real benchmarks for preschool.  Solution:  I am using the Core standards adopted by several states in the order to drive my instruction.  Though you may say that Kindergarten is not preschool, I argue that much of what is learned in Kindergarten is easily trasmitted to the preschool curriculum. 
So, from now on I am writing the core standards I am teaching for Reading, Phonics, Writing, and Math.  This way you know that what your child is learning is based on national educational standards and not on some feel-good philosophy. While I firmly believe that learning should be fun, especially for young children, I also believe just as firmly in having proper foundations in learning.  So, from here on out, look for hte learning standards for the subjects.  I also encourage you to go to the website and read the standards for yourself.  Thank you to everyone who has used my website.  Please comment and let me know how the lessons are working for you.

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