**This week we are using books by the same author/illustrator, Jan Brett, and will begin each day with reading the book**
Don't forget to do your Daily 4
2. Numbers to 100
3. Child Reading
4. Read to your child at least 5 books (The Mitten counts as one!)
Get Book The Mitten by Jan Brett
The Mitten by Jan Brett
1. You are going to go on a "Picture Walk." A picture walk is when you look at the pictures in a book and make predictions about what is happening in the book, what may happen next, etc. Here is a video of how I took a picture walk with my son.
2. Now read the book together.
Pictures of the mitten and the animals in the mitten (mole, rabbit, hedgehog, owl, badger, fox, bear, mouse) - these can be found at Jan Brett's website.
Make two copies of mitten, tape together around the edges.
Cut out animals
Make two copies of mitten, tape together around the edges.
Cut out animals
* Mitten
* Animals
1. You are going to give rhymes for the different animals. When you give the rhyme your child needs to find the animals that goes with that rhyme.
2. Say, "Look in the hole you might find a ______ (mole). Child finds mole in group of animal and puts it in the mitten.
3. Make it a habit to look for the ______ (rabbit). Child finds rabbit in group of animals and puts it in the mitten.4. Say, "Do you like tickles? Find the animal with _____ (prickles - hedgehog). Child finds hedgehog in group of animals and puts it in the mitten.
5. Say, "A bird is a fowl, can you find the ____(owl). Child finds the owl and puts it in the mitten.
6. Say, "It is dark and it is light, find the animal that's black and _____ (white - badger). Child finds badger and puts it in the mitten.
7. Say, "Loon in a big brown box, you may find a little ___ (fox). Child finds fox and puts it in the mitten.
8. Say, "Use a brush to brush your hair, then you can find the ____ (bear)." Child finds bear and puts it in the mitten.
9. Say, "Look outside or in the house, then you can find the ____ (mouse)." Child finds mouse and puts it in the mitten.
Using dotted line paper (for a copy of dotted line paper I've made email me @ amyiswrite@gmail.com) write a capital "M" on the top line, a lower case 'm' on second line, then creating a space foe the letter "m" write the following on the remainder of page: -ad, -an, -ap, -at, -en, -et, -ill, -ink, -it, -ock, -op, -uck
"M" page created above
1. Teach your child how to form upper and lower case letter "M." For how I teach this watch video for upper case "M" and lower case "m."
2. Read "-ad." Have your child add the "m" and sound out the word "mad."
3. Repeat for each group of letters creating the words man, map, etc..
Use the same mitten and animals you used for phonics. On four small pieces of paper write the numbers 5, 12, 23, 36
Small pieces of paper
1. Put the small pieces of paper in the mitten.
2. Have your child pull out one of the small pieces of paper.

**Counting on to various numbers is an educational standard for kindergarten, so you may need to help your child at first.**
Get yarn
1. You will teach your child to finger crochet a bracelet. If you aren't sure how to finger crochet watch my video here (my blog is cursed that videos don't play here).

Tape the end of a piece of yarn. Tie the untaped piece of yarn to the mitten.
Mitten cut out
Markers, glue, glitter, etc
So cute! I love these ideas, just wish I had a little one to "play" with. My big kids won't do this anymore....
ReplyDeleteI say adopt a neighbor!